Saturday, May 6, 2017

#weddingdietwannabe - BBQ Chicken Pizza and Pesto Prosciutto Pizza

Pinspiration strikes again!  Nightly surfs through my Pinterest feed can spark the best weekend treats.

After finding this post...Honest & Tasty Homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza all became clear as day that I had a perfect use for my new food processor.  Pizza dough!!

My excuse for making pizzas (really just using my food processor) in the first place was to celebrate a friend's engagement.  They had prior plans but ours never wavered.  Pizza here we come!!

To begin, I whipped out my new food processor.  While most people have the Kitchen Aid food processor, I have a Braun food processor.  So far, its been great!  It has made dough effortlessly, shredded carrots, kale, and cabbage without a problem.  AND, its quiet, which is a huge plus for me!

Here is the recipe I used - Williams Sonoma Pizza Dough.  The reviews were right.  It makes the best, simple, pizza dough.  I might have over beat my dough and made it a little tough but other than that it was great! It was so simple.  

Pizza #1 - BBQ Chicken Pizza
Half of the pizza dough
BBQ sauce (we used Rendevouz Hot BBQ sauce, it was HOT)
Shredded chicken
Shredded mozzarella
Red onion

Use the BBQ sauce as a substitute for the tomato/pizza sauce (the base) and assemble the pizza from there.

All of these ingredients are to taste.  If you like a lot of sauce, pour it on! If you want to load on the chicken, go for it!

Pizza #2 - Pesto Prosciutto Pizza
Half of the pizza dough
Pesto (we used store bought)
Shredded cheese, pizza mix
sliced tomatoes (optional)

Again, add whatever amount of what you want to the pizzas, but be careful, the pesto and prosciutto are salty so be careful to not add too much of both! 

We were eating on pizza for about four days.  And it was delightful!

Also, I was feeling ambitious and made prosciutto twists!  I have made these once before for my Waffle girls (Sisterhood of the Traveling Apron besties).  Our yearly "conference" meetings consist of a meal, theme based, selected by the hostess.  One year, I decided to do an 8 course Christmas Italian meal and these were part of the antipasti dish (course #2, I believe).  

Pastry dough, store bought
Italian seasoning  

Preheat the oven according to the pastry dough box directions.  After letting your pastry dough thaw in the fridge, lay it out and cut into one inch strips.  Lay out the proscuitto and cut into one inch strips.  Lay the prosciutto on top of one piece of pastry dough strip and twist.  You might need to pinch the ends to keep the twist twisted but just see how you pastry dough behaves!  Melt the butter and add the italian seasoning.  Brush the italian seasoning on the twists and bake for 15- 20 min.  

Viola! A delicious salty snack!  Try them dipped in honey..... mmm, mmm, good!  What can I say, we both have a salty tooth :-)