Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Dinner or Two: Butternut Squash

I haven't always been a person who likes squash of any kind.  I used to only eat it with a cornmeal coating fried in oil then sprinkled with salt and dipped in ranch dressing.  Yum.  But as I've gotten older and more interested in different flavors for the different seasons, I have started to enjoy a heartier squash recipe now and again.

This weekend I couldn't decide which way to highlight butternut squash as the main ingredient so I just made two!  Leftovers are my jam.

Both hearty meals are made even better with a glass of wine and sitting by a Christmas tree!

The first recipe has a background story.....

Every other weekend I go to Memphis to visit my boyfriend and it has become a tradition (or maybe expectation, wink wink) that I concoct something that we can feast on throughout the weekend.  This weekend cold temperatures were on the horizon and a little birdie mentioned this recipe last weekend and the seed was planted.  Throughout the week I gathered the ingredients I had on hand, made list of what I needed, and headed up to Memphis.

Preparing the Butternut Squash is simple.  All you will need is:
- sharp knife
- vegetable peeler
- cutting board
- large skillet
- olive oil
- seasoning

Cut the top and bottom off of the squash so you have a flat stable surface to work with.  Peel the skin off the squash and dice making sure to remove the seeds.  Add the diced squash to a skillet coated in olive oil and add any seasoning you want.  I used salt, pepper, and sage because I knew I was going to add it to two separate recipes and sage goes great with butternut squash. Cook until softened and browned a little on the outside.

I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup to scoop the seeds and insides right out.

*At this point I divided the cooked squash into two to add to each recipe

Recipe #1: Hotty Toddy Beer Chili from The B.T.C. Old-Fashioned Grocery Cookbook

The ironic thing is that I don't think a single bowl of chili was had this weekend.  We used the chili to make a dip and chili cheese dogs.

The dip is very easy and consisted of cream cheese smeared in the bottom of a baking dish.  Topped with chili then cheddar cheese and baked in a 350 degree oven until the cheese in melted and bubbly. Let the dip cool slightly before digging in with some good old Fritos or your chip of choice.  Thank you Carol!!

The chili dogs are very self-explanatory.  Hot dog bun, hot dog, chili, cheese, and any other topping you want! (8 chili dogs were consumed between the 2 of us this weekend....oops)

Obviously, there were leftover as the recipe above serves 8.  We split the leftover chili between the two of us and back to Oxford I came with a stock pot of chili in my back seat.

All I did was add the butternut squash to the chili to make it go father, add nutrients, add another texture, color, and flavor.

Recipe #2: Creamy Butternut Squash Alfredo

This recipe was what I followed with two exceptions.  I didn't have bacon or milk so I just left out the bacon and substituted milk for white wine.

Now, I have dinner for the week with just one butternut squash and ingredients that I had on hand.  Nothing in these recipes is difficult or hard to find and all recipes are easily adaptable.  Just use what you have, don't get out in the cold.  Cozy up with some chili or alfredo, sip on some wine, and enjoy!

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